I've been out there and fought the crowds. I've stayed home and watched movies.
But my favorite is to do some online shopping, from people I know, and have the gifts delivered to the recipients (usually 500 miles away)
Unique gifts say to the recipient, "I thought enough of you to go looking, and not just get you another turnip twaddler."
To help your shopping:
Pink Petal Books has a discount:
Customers can use code "smallbizthanks" to get 10% off their order,
including already discounted releases. The coupon is good through the end of
the month.
(I have several books out with them, same-sex, opposite sex and my children's religious books)
The Literary Underworld will be running sales and give aways.
And if you sign up for our (very low traffic) newsletter, you get a coupon code!
All Romance E-books will be having sales. It's never as good to buy from a distributor as it is direct from the publisher or author. But the Inkstained Succubus books will be 15% off.
Support Independent Music!
Tom Smith, The World's Fastest Filker, has inspired more than one of my stories with his songs: http://www.tomsmithonline.com/
S.J. Tucker, the Skinny White Chick, has been growing and developing as an artist for the last 7 years. Her new stuff is just amazing. http://skinnywhitechick.com/
Alec Adams, Heir to Heather Alexanbder's music, is found here: http://www.faerietaleminstrel.com/insid
If you like more of a rap edge, and less folk, The Great Luke Ski might be your taste: http://www.thegreatlukeski.com/
And of course, the grandmother of us all, Leslie Fish. http://lesliefish.com/
And then there's Etsy
At the Den of Debauchery's Gift Shoppe, you can use the code Holiday2012 to get 15% off your order.
Other Etsy shops I like:
For bath goods and art, it's Wizard at Work: http://www.etsy.com/shop/WizardAtWo
Phoenix Fire does lovely Jewelry: http://www.etsy.com/shop/PhoenixFireDes
BeautyWatcher has awesome ornaments: http://www.etsy.com/shop/beautywatcher
For your Steampunker, Rosewood Stitches: http://www.etsy.com/shop/RosewoodStitch
Shop small!
If you are an author, a musician or an artisan, let me know, and I'll include you in the next post!
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