Sunday, December 1, 2013

Update and Yuletide Youtube begins!

So sorry about November. I've spent it on the backside of nowhere, taking care of my mother after she had brain surgery.

The Sunday before Halloween, I picked up a woman who couldn't even eat well. She pocketed food in her left cheek and dropped anything in her left hand.

Friday, I left a woman capable of looking after herself and driving.

I'm home again. And we'll resume My Sexy Saturdays, and pick up Yuletide Youtube.

So this year, instead of JUST Yuletide Youtube, I figured on Monday Wednesday and Friday, I would post recipes, crafts and gift ideas. Tuesday and Thursday would be shop spotlights. If you would like your shop spotlighted, let me know.

So, before we're all Rumpapummeled into Scrooginess, let me share my favorite version of The Little Drummer Boy. because Bing Crosby and David Bowie. Dueting.

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