Saturday, December 1, 2012

Yuletide Youtube 3: Return of the Youtube!

Throughout December, I will be posting fun stuff.
Every day you can count on a song, a picture, a craft idea or recipe and a shopping link

Your Yuletide Youtube:

Your Image of the Day and Craft Idea all in one!:


Your shopping link of the day:
The Literary Underworld.
A small press author consortium, we have something for most readers.

Someone likes superheroes? Frank Fradella's book Swan Song is half off

For the horror fan, we have Stoker Winner John Everson, Darrell Winner Elizabeth Donald, The Sinister Minister Maurice Broaddus, Wrath James White, and yours truly,

For the music lover, we have Mark Kaiser & Jessica Haines in CD or mp3

Kids? No problem. We carry Jackie Gamer's YA dragon series, and other fantasy novels.

Short stories, paranormal erotica, comics, and steampunk. We have it.

We even have Nick Mamatas' Starve Better for the writer on your list.

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