Holiday Cheer:
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Friday, December 19, 2014
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Yuletide Youtube: autopost
It will be on autopilot from now until the 30th. Sorry.
Holiday greetings:
Holiday greetings:
This has a bit of misinformation.
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Yuletide Youtube:
Sounds of the Season:
Holiday Cheer and Crafts
Soak the cinnamon sticks in hot water to make them pliable, glue with hotglue.
1 c. applesauce, with enough cinnoman to make a stiff dough. Roll out, cut out and dry.
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Call Extended
There is a heady sensation to giving up power, to being completely cared for and taken care of. Whether learning to find subspace for the first time, an experienced service submissive or a long-term couple in a TPE relationship, a single scene or a forever-couple, let us see the beautiful boys who adore serving their men, and the men who have proven themselves worthy of this devotion. Companion volume to Dominant Tendencies. SF/F/Paranormal required.
5000-15,000 words, pays a share of royalties.
Deadline is now Jan 15, 2015!
All the details at
Standard Manuscript Format
--.5 indentation
-- Double Spaced
-- One Space after each period.
-- Times New Roman, 12pt, in English.
-- .doc format
A Sample of Standard Manuscript Format may be found Here.
Name, Mailing Address, E-mail Address, Phone Number, and Word Count should be included on the front page.
If your work is a reprint, please include the information indicating that the rights have reverted to you.
Manuscript should be sent to
Note: No hardcopies, .pdf, .rtf, or .docx submissions.
Please download and use the formatted pre-edit form.
Monday, December 15, 2014
Yuletide Youtube, scheduled
This is a scheduled post, while I am out of town.
Oldest son is home on leave and we're going to see the folks. Grandma may not make it to his next leave.
Regular posting will resume tomorrow.
Sounds of the Season:
As we begin the week of Yule.
Holiday Cheer:
Oldest son is home on leave and we're going to see the folks. Grandma may not make it to his next leave.
Regular posting will resume tomorrow.
Sounds of the Season:
As we begin the week of Yule.
Holiday Cheer:
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Yuletide Youtube: scheduled
Scheduled posting while we're out of town
Sounds of the Season:
A Capella time, with a hymn
Sounds of the Season:
A Capella time, with a hymn
Holiday Cheer:
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Friday, December 12, 2014
Yuletide Youtube: Travel edition
We're off to KC to see my folks. Obi is home on leave and we're not sure my mom will make it to his next leave.
Sounds of the Season:
One of the most urban Christmas songs I know.
Sounds of the Season:
One of the most urban Christmas songs I know.
Holiday Cheer and Crafty Ideas:
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Yuletide Youtube: Tasty Thursday
Sounds of the Season:
An odd duet and one of my favorites.
Holiday Cheer
Tasty Thursday:
In the spirit of oddness, I give you a savory cranberry sauce
2 cups whole raw cranberries, washed
1 small onion
3/4 cup sour cream
1/2 cup sugar
2 tablespoons horseradish from a jar
1) Grind the raw berries and onion together. A meat grinder is good. If you use a food processor, get a chunky grind, not smooth.
2) Add everything else and mix.
3) Put in a plastic container and freeze.
4) Move it from freezer to refrigerator to thaw the morning before you serve it.
This will be shocking pink. And it makes a great sandwich spread.
Makes 1 1/2 pints.
A Couple of Seasonal Stories
This is fanfiction. And my favorite sort for Christmas time.
If you're not familiar with Brimstone, it was a little show that ran 13 episodes in 1997.
Dogma is a well-known enough movie that I don't need to talk much
Ah, but when you MIX the two...
15 years ago, and this is STILL the perfect present
It's even better if you can hear the voices.
And then there's one I wrote.
Zeke finds one of the 113 in an unexpected place.
If you're not familiar with Brimstone, it was a little show that ran 13 episodes in 1997.
Dogma is a well-known enough movie that I don't need to talk much
Ah, but when you MIX the two...
15 years ago, and this is STILL the perfect present
It's even better if you can hear the voices.
And then there's one I wrote.
Zeke finds one of the 113 in an unexpected place.
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Yog's Law, Or Why you shouldn't be paying ANYTHING to be Published
(Oh look, a post with actual Angel generated content!)
I was lucky. I started writing in the 80s, sending the laser printed copies of my first three chapters and synopsis off to New York Publishers. I accumulated an impressive array of rejection ships.
But at base, I knew, KNEW that I would not pay anything out of pocket after the initial mailing, not beyond postage for a contract.
Those coming up in the brave new world of publishing don't have that knowledge. I am frequently asked "How much will it cost me to be published with your press?" My response is always, "Nothing. You pay for NOTHING except discounted physical copies of your books, after the contributor copy." And then I lose my temper and rant a bit about predatory vanity presses.
It all comes back to Yog's Law.
In the early days of the net, author James D. MacDonald used the nickname "Yog Sysop," an obvious play on the Lovecraftian Yog-Sothoth. When he was asked how much he paid to have his books published, he had a rant, and started a one-man war on vanity presses.
He coined Yog's Law: "Money should flow toward the author."
Any professional will quote this at you.
John Scalzi puts it more bluntly: "Fuck you, pay me."
(some of us call the Scalzi's Corollary)
None of this applies to self-publishing. You're going to be out-of-pocket for editing and layout and cover art and promo supplies. But even the smallest of micropresses should charge you nothing.
A word about the physical copies:
You should always receive one free copy of your book, at minimum.
Beyond that, you will be expected to pay for the other copies you plan to give as gifts or resell. You should get these at a discount, specified in your contract. The difference between the price you pay and the price you sell at is considered your royalty payment.
If your publisher demands a reading fee, a cover art fee, an editing or any kind of fee, RUN. This is a vanity press. Alas, even venerable Harlequin has fallen into this with their Horizons imprint.
(Buying the cover art after the book is out of print is another topic. Artists have to be paid too)
If you are not getting statements or checks, (preferably both) at the agreed-upon interval, complain, Loudly.
Also, beware of "movie options." There is a company that has you pay $750 to get a $500 payment and have your book optioned by a very minor, local film studio. This does not guarantee your book will be a movie and you may be out $250 for nothing, or for an amateur bit of theater perpetrated by someone who knows nothing of lighting, SPFX or pacing.
Money flows to you, the author.
I was lucky. I started writing in the 80s, sending the laser printed copies of my first three chapters and synopsis off to New York Publishers. I accumulated an impressive array of rejection ships.
But at base, I knew, KNEW that I would not pay anything out of pocket after the initial mailing, not beyond postage for a contract.
Those coming up in the brave new world of publishing don't have that knowledge. I am frequently asked "How much will it cost me to be published with your press?" My response is always, "Nothing. You pay for NOTHING except discounted physical copies of your books, after the contributor copy." And then I lose my temper and rant a bit about predatory vanity presses.
It all comes back to Yog's Law.
In the early days of the net, author James D. MacDonald used the nickname "Yog Sysop," an obvious play on the Lovecraftian Yog-Sothoth. When he was asked how much he paid to have his books published, he had a rant, and started a one-man war on vanity presses.
He coined Yog's Law: "Money should flow toward the author."
Any professional will quote this at you.
John Scalzi puts it more bluntly: "Fuck you, pay me."
(some of us call the Scalzi's Corollary)
None of this applies to self-publishing. You're going to be out-of-pocket for editing and layout and cover art and promo supplies. But even the smallest of micropresses should charge you nothing.
A word about the physical copies:
You should always receive one free copy of your book, at minimum.
Beyond that, you will be expected to pay for the other copies you plan to give as gifts or resell. You should get these at a discount, specified in your contract. The difference between the price you pay and the price you sell at is considered your royalty payment.
If your publisher demands a reading fee, a cover art fee, an editing or any kind of fee, RUN. This is a vanity press. Alas, even venerable Harlequin has fallen into this with their Horizons imprint.
(Buying the cover art after the book is out of print is another topic. Artists have to be paid too)
If you are not getting statements or checks, (preferably both) at the agreed-upon interval, complain, Loudly.
Also, beware of "movie options." There is a company that has you pay $750 to get a $500 payment and have your book optioned by a very minor, local film studio. This does not guarantee your book will be a movie and you may be out $250 for nothing, or for an amateur bit of theater perpetrated by someone who knows nothing of lighting, SPFX or pacing.
Money flows to you, the author.
Yuletide Youtube
Sounds of the Season:
One of my favorites
Holiday Cheer:
Geek Edition Take Two
Craft Idea:
Dress up a pack of beer.
Or easy Mutant Turtle Ornaments
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Yuletide Youtube: Tasty Tuesday
Sounds of the Season:
Because a capella Tchaicovsky!
Holiday Cheer:

Tasty Tuesday:
Sugar Plums:
2 cups toasted walnuts, chopped
1/4 cup honey
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground allspice
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon ground coriander
1 teaspoon orange zest
1 cup pitted prunes, finely chopped
1/2 cup dried apricots, finely chopped
1/2 cut pitted dates, finely chopped
powdered sugar for rolling coating the balls
plum purple disco dust or edible glitter of any color
Mix all ingredients except the sugar and disco dust together in a large bowl. Optionally, place the whole mixture in the food processor and process for a few seconds - this will help everything to stick together, especially if you aren't the best at finely chopping. (I'm raising my hand high on this one.) Form the mixture into teaspoon-sized balls. Roll the balls in powdered sugar and then roll in disco dust.
Note: If you let the balls sit overnight, the powdered sugar will absorb into the balls and will be less visible.
Crisp Rice Balls
1 stick melted oleo
1 egg, well beaten
1 c. sugar
1 pkg. (8 oz) dates
Stir all together, bring to boil. Boil 3 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from heat, stir in 3 c. crispy rice cereal, 1 c. finely chopped nuts. Stir. Wet hands, roll into small balls, roll in flaked coconut. Chill. Makes 24.
Because a capella Tchaicovsky!
Holiday Cheer:
Tasty Tuesday:
Sugar Plums:
2 cups toasted walnuts, chopped
1/4 cup honey
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground allspice
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon ground coriander
1 teaspoon orange zest
1 cup pitted prunes, finely chopped
1/2 cup dried apricots, finely chopped
1/2 cut pitted dates, finely chopped
powdered sugar for rolling coating the balls
plum purple disco dust or edible glitter of any color
Mix all ingredients except the sugar and disco dust together in a large bowl. Optionally, place the whole mixture in the food processor and process for a few seconds - this will help everything to stick together, especially if you aren't the best at finely chopping. (I'm raising my hand high on this one.) Form the mixture into teaspoon-sized balls. Roll the balls in powdered sugar and then roll in disco dust.
Note: If you let the balls sit overnight, the powdered sugar will absorb into the balls and will be less visible.
Crisp Rice Balls
1 stick melted oleo
1 egg, well beaten
1 c. sugar
1 pkg. (8 oz) dates
Stir all together, bring to boil. Boil 3 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from heat, stir in 3 c. crispy rice cereal, 1 c. finely chopped nuts. Stir. Wet hands, roll into small balls, roll in flaked coconut. Chill. Makes 24.
Monday, December 8, 2014
Yuletide Youtube: Putting the Fun in Dysfunctional
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Yuletide Youtube
Sounds of the Season:
Combine one of my favorite carols, one of my favorite artists and a lot of Victorian cinema conventions and you have pretty much my favorite holiday music video.
Holiday Cheer:
Nativity scenes from people long on inspiration and short on money
Saturday, December 6, 2014
Holiday Wish List
It's that time of year again.
My year has improved a great deal over last year.
We're not out of the woods yet, but husband has a job and I have one I like better that pays much better.
There are always things we need, but I am using this for things I would like:
1) Blog readers. Either for or for the business blog at or even my LJ, Pinterest and Tumblr (valarltd). The LJ gets Friday Photodumps, the blogspot gets My Sexy Saturdays.
2) Book Readers. A small press is nothing without readers. Inkstained Succubus is bringing out good Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror, often with a same-sex theme. We have short stories, anthologies and novels.
3) Writers, voice actors and artists. Again an Inkstained Succubus wish. If you have a story (original, no fanfiction) gathering dust, or if you'd like to have your art on the cover of a book, check out submission guidelines and drop us a note. We're looking to start recording audiobooks, and need male voices in particular. We are a paying press.
4) Etsy shoppers.
5) Fan art. Preferably from my original stuff (I love Eight Thrones fan art and geekery), but also from my fanfic. I have a drawing of my lion, Gordon, from "Songs for Guitar and French Harp" that makes me very happy.
Material things
6) Crochet hooks. Any size, any number. I put fimo handles on them for Etsy
7) Yarn. Any amount, any type. I will use it. I knit all winter to keep my fingers limber
8) BPAL. If you have imps you don't love, I will give them a try, and if they don't work, I'll pass them on to another loving home.
9) The care package seems to be the the thing this year.
10) If you have a tarot deck that isn't working for you anymore, I'd love to give it a good home. (I have Robin Wood, Celtic, Dark Angels, Fantastic Creatures and Cthulhu)
Giving Back:
11) Donate Blood if you can. There is always a need.
12) Register to be an organ donor or bone marrow donor. (I'm both)
13) Leave comments on social media, not just likes or hearts or kudos. In the same vein, send a fan letter to an author, fanfic or original. It will make their day.
14) Give to the charity of your choice. My favorites include Toys for Tots, Project Linus and the Hunger Site. Food stamps just got cut, so many food pantries are more strapped than usual.
And 15 My gift to you: My cookbook.
My year has improved a great deal over last year.
We're not out of the woods yet, but husband has a job and I have one I like better that pays much better.
There are always things we need, but I am using this for things I would like:
1) Blog readers. Either for or for the business blog at or even my LJ, Pinterest and Tumblr (valarltd). The LJ gets Friday Photodumps, the blogspot gets My Sexy Saturdays.
2) Book Readers. A small press is nothing without readers. Inkstained Succubus is bringing out good Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror, often with a same-sex theme. We have short stories, anthologies and novels.
3) Writers, voice actors and artists. Again an Inkstained Succubus wish. If you have a story (original, no fanfiction) gathering dust, or if you'd like to have your art on the cover of a book, check out submission guidelines and drop us a note. We're looking to start recording audiobooks, and need male voices in particular. We are a paying press.
4) Etsy shoppers.
5) Fan art. Preferably from my original stuff (I love Eight Thrones fan art and geekery), but also from my fanfic. I have a drawing of my lion, Gordon, from "Songs for Guitar and French Harp" that makes me very happy.
Material things
6) Crochet hooks. Any size, any number. I put fimo handles on them for Etsy
7) Yarn. Any amount, any type. I will use it. I knit all winter to keep my fingers limber
8) BPAL. If you have imps you don't love, I will give them a try, and if they don't work, I'll pass them on to another loving home.
9) The care package seems to be the the thing this year.
10) If you have a tarot deck that isn't working for you anymore, I'd love to give it a good home. (I have Robin Wood, Celtic, Dark Angels, Fantastic Creatures and Cthulhu)
Giving Back:
11) Donate Blood if you can. There is always a need.
12) Register to be an organ donor or bone marrow donor. (I'm both)
13) Leave comments on social media, not just likes or hearts or kudos. In the same vein, send a fan letter to an author, fanfic or original. It will make their day.
14) Give to the charity of your choice. My favorites include Toys for Tots, Project Linus and the Hunger Site. Food stamps just got cut, so many food pantries are more strapped than usual.
And 15 My gift to you: My cookbook.
Yuletide Youtube: Caturday edition
Sounds of the Season:
Home Free is an up and coming a capella group. I like their work.
Holiday Cheer:

Saturday Shopping:
For the Reader on your list:
Literary Underworld is hosting a LOT of sales.
SF, fantasy, horror, YA, you name it. Some of the best small press work going.
The 25% off Sale ends today at my Etsy shop. Use code cybermonday2014 at checkout:
Knitting, ruffled scarves, crochet work, custom socks
Check out lovely photography. Use Holiday14 for a discount
All images owned by Elizabeth Donald and used here only for promotion of her shop.
Bath Goodies:
And if you're ordering from Wizard at Work, it must be done by tomorrow, Dec 7, for Christmas delivery. Soaps and bath bombs galore, for kids or geeks or hostess gifts.
All images belong to Wizard at Work
Home Free is an up and coming a capella group. I like their work.
Holiday Cheer:
Saturday Shopping:
For the Reader on your list:
Literary Underworld is hosting a LOT of sales.
SF, fantasy, horror, YA, you name it. Some of the best small press work going.
The 25% off Sale ends today at my Etsy shop. Use code cybermonday2014 at checkout:
Knitting, ruffled scarves, crochet work, custom socks
Check out lovely photography. Use Holiday14 for a discount
All images owned by Elizabeth Donald and used here only for promotion of her shop.
Bath Goodies:
And if you're ordering from Wizard at Work, it must be done by tomorrow, Dec 7, for Christmas delivery. Soaps and bath bombs galore, for kids or geeks or hostess gifts.
All images belong to Wizard at Work
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